Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bad Graphics

Here is yet another FANTASTICAL Rainy Day News. I know, the camera stinks. My dad says he will fix it-or else! Itd pretty good though. One part is a tad long, the Cooking with Connie, but if you wanna skip that part please go to the bloopers. They are funny. :-) Its pretty funny, so I hope you enjoy it! All I have left to say is, LESTER, YOU BETTER BE THERE NEXT TIME OR ELSE!!!!!! So....yeah. Enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mini Story

Well, I was checking the warrior cat webpage, and recently the author Erin Hunter released a short story, only 14 pages long. If you click on the link below, it will give you a preview on what some of the warrior sotries are about. Remeber that this story is focused on the winter, and not being able to fight as much.  The actual stories that are published are more centered on Thunderclan-and usually Thunderclan's life. There are always small "border" fights though. If you have any questions on the story, I know if you don't read some of the other books you may not understand everything, but from reading the blog you should understand everything. Well, thats all I can say. Here is the link:

hopefully it will work. If not, its really worth it to type it in. These are great stories.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am sooo glad to see that people have come to and voted on the new poll! I was a little amazed though, Firestar is actually the Leader of Thunderclan, and 3 out of 4 of you said he was the leader of Riverclan.  This may not help, but you can remember that Firestar is the leader of THUNDERclan by thinking of thunder & fire. They are kinda alike. If you look in my blog archive, you could probably find something on Firestar and Thunderclan to. Thanks, and come see the new poll soon! (once I make one) :-)

Next Book in the Series-Sunrise

It comes out April 21st 2009, yay! Thats somewhat soon.... Well, anyway heres the cover. Sorry, no smaller then the other ones. :-)Well, that's all that I can find. I will keep searching-and you will be the first to know about it!!!!


Well, I went to see when all the new warrior books would come out, and guess what?! They all have pictures! Lucky you!!! (and me!)eh... sorry I couldn't make it any smaller! Oh well, cool cover right???? Comes out June 9th 2009

Arent these kittens so cute? Well, this is the newest Tigerstar & Sasha comic book. It comes out June 9th as well. The only thing is, only two of the kittens make it to the clans-riverclan-and those were the brown kitten (Mothkit-Mothwing) and the gray striped kitten (hawk kit-Hawkfrost).